JAPM in collaboration with JFDA announces the opening of registration in a Workshop titled: ICH M13 New Guideline on Bioequivalence For Immediate Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms Workshop “Highlights on the new requirements” Which will be effective in Jordan as of April 1, 2025 The workshop will also address the current JFDA Guideline and requirements for Bio-waiver Studies Who Should Attend: RA and R&D people at pharmaceutical companies Speakers: JFDA/ Drug Directorate Venue: Signia by Hilton Amman (Ex. Kempisnki Hotel- Amman) https://maps.app.goo.gl/hxXEFe1hQt2X8ADZ8?g_st=im Registration Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNBQ_HD_6pZMbQQdFD-xCfBIFiNue5ioKHBwEy1uM4m4S2gA/viewform?usp=dialog For more information email: dana@japm.com or call JAPM offices on +962 6 5413114

JAPM in collaboration with JFDA announces the opening of registration in a Workshop titled: “Analytical Validation Guidelines Workshop” Who Should Attend: RA and R&D people at pharmaceutical companies Speakers: JFDA/ Lab Directorate Venue: Signia by Hilton Amman (Ex. Kempisnki Hotel- Amman) https://maps.app.goo.gl/hxXEFe1hQt2X8ADZ8?g_st=im Registration Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpXInNRnLKYCzrnzFEKHJN-hsm9u24awdVA5tPBwYeYef2nA/viewform?usp=dialog For more information email: dana@japm.com or call JAPM offices on +962 6 5413114

JAPM in collaboration with JFDA announces the opening of registration in Two Workshops on Pharmacovigilance; Basic Level & Advanced Level, titled: Principles of Pharmacovigilance Workshop & Advanced Pharmacovigilance Workshop Who Should Attend: QP for Pharmacovigilance & Regulatory Affairs people at pharmaceutical companies Dates: Principles of Pharmacovigilance workshop: 30th September 2024 Advanced Pharmacovigilance workshop: 1st October 2024 Seats are Limited, please confirm your registration not later than 22nd Sept For registration & more information email: dana@japm.com or call JAPM offices on +962 6 5413114

JAPM with the support of IFC Announces the opening of Registration for a Virtual Workshop: “Data Integrity in the Laboratory” Sept 26, 2022 Data Integrity in the Laboratory Training Course Data integrity (DI) is not a new concept and has always been a foundation of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) principles. The subject of data integrity in the laboratory has an increased profile because hybrid (paper and electronic), digital technologies, electronic systems and equipment have become prevalent in testing laboratories but so have the number of audit findings relating to DI breeches. Regulators are relying on industry to “do the right

JAPM in collaboration with JFDA Announces the opening of Registration for the: “Hands-on Medical devices by JFDA” Join us for this exciting workshop to learn about: JFDA Medical Devices Regulations Medical Devices Classifications & Medical Devices Pricing Who Should Attend: Regulatory Affairs Professionals Quality Control & Quality Assurance Professionals @ Pharmaceutical Companies & Manufacturers of Medical Devices & Regulatory Affairs Professionals @ Drugstores Speakers: JFDA/ Medical Devices and Supplies Directorate Please confirm your registration not later than Sept 15th For registration & more information email: dana@japm.com or call JAPM offices on +962 6 5413114

JAPM in collaboration with JFDA Announces the opening of Registration for the: “Herbal & Natural Pharmaceutical Products, Vitamins & Minerals Workshop” Join us for this exciting workshop to learn about: Updated regulations of Herbal Pharmaceutical Products & Vitamins Improve Registration Files according to the updated Registration Guidelines & Most Common Deficiencies & Observations based on JFDA Reports Who Should Attend: Regulatory Affairs Professionals R&D Professionals Quality Control & quality Assurance Professionals @ Pharmaceutical Companies & Regulatory Affairs Professionals @ Drugstores Speakers: JFDA/ Drug Directorate Pharmaceutical & Natural Products Unit

Join us for this exciting workshop to learn about: Updates on JFDA Accession to PIC/S The Impact of JFDA Accession to PIC/S on GMP Inspection Changes in Inspection of Quality Systems in relation to PIC/S How to Avoid Most Common Deficiencies in GMP Inspection JAPM with the support of JFDA & IFC Announces the opening of Registration for the: " JFDA Accession to PIC/S & Changes in Inspection of Quality Systems in Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Workshop” Who Should Attend: Quality Assurance Quality Control Technical Managers & Regulatory Affairs staff @ Pharmaceutical Companies Speakers: JFDA Inspection Team

JAPM with the support of IFC Announces the opening of Registration for a Virtual Workshop: “Continuous Improvement and the Quality System” The PIC/s GUIDE TO GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE FOR MEDICINAL PRODUCTS PART I refers to ‘Continuous Improvement’ as an integral part of a Quality Management System. It states that “Product realization is achieved by designing, planning, implementing, maintaining and continuously improving a system that allows the consistent delivery of products with appropriate quality attributes”. This course is designed to provide an overview of the origin of the concept of continuous improvement as it relates to a Quality System and how

JAPM with the support of IFC Announces the opening of Registration for a Virtual Workshop: “Quality by Design Workshop” The course will cover: The principles of QbD and how they apply in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry QbD terminology and process How QbD fits into the product development process The importance and impact of adopting QbD early in the product development phase How QbD is viewed from the regulators and how it aligns with regulator expectations Potential cost savings and business benefits from QbD implementation Implementation considerations (costs, training, leadership commitments and behaviour/culture modifications. This interactive workshop also provides participants the

JAPM in collaboration with JFDA, announces the opening of Registration in: All you need to know about: “Pricing of Pharmaceutical Products in Jordan” Speakers: JFDA Who should attend: Regulatory Affairs Professionals R&D Professionals, @ Pharmaceutical Companies For registration & more information email: dana@japm.com or call JAPM offices on +962 6 5413114